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Plex Android "app isn't responding for 1 minute on startup" [VIDEO included]

Music missing after scan


I have found that my plex media server (v1.13.0.5023) does not fully scan the folders and find all my music.
I'm sure this is happening in quite a few folders, but the example I found is the following:
This folder:
.._Artists\David Guetta\Listen Again

has 22 tracks, naming convention:
David Guetta - Listen Again (D1) - 01 - Dangerous (feat. Sam Martin)
David Guetta - Listen Again (D1) - 14 - The Whisperer (feat. Sia)
David Guetta - Listen Again (D2) - 01 - Bang my Head (feat. Sia & Fetty Wap)
David Guetta - Listen Again (D2) - 08 - Bang My Head (Feat. Sia) [Glowinthedark Remix]

plex identifies the first 15 files only. all the "D1" files, and the 1st "D2" file.

No clue why.... scanning, fix metadata, nothing changes it.
Anyone have any idea why this is happening? Or how to fix it?
I'm assuming this occurring in multiple folders that I have not yet manually identified too....


How much internet data is used when all streaming is done on a local wifi network?


I have limited data from my internet provider. There are no such things as unlimited data plans in Alaska. How much data is used if the server and all the streaming devices are on the local WiFi network? When streaming to a device off net, whose data is used, the owner of the offnet device downloading the content or data from the owner of the server? I am wondering just how expensive this system would be if massive amounts of data are used as content are streamed to multiple users.

Hardware transcoding on N2810


Hi all. First time post here :)
Does anyone have any experience of how the N2810 performs with hardware transcoding? Here in the UK this is by far the cheapest nas which supports this.

Also it would be great to know if the dvr feature works well too?

I love the idea of having pms working smoothly on a nas rather than leaving my laptop on constantly.

PlexKodiConnect: let Kodi talk to your Plex


stable version
beta version


GitHub issues GitHub pull requests Codacy Badge

PlexKodiConnect (PKC)

Combine the best frontend media player Kodi with the best multimedia backend server Plex

PKC combines the best of Kodi - ultra smooth navigation, beautiful and highly customizable user interfaces and playback of any file under the sun - and the Plex Media Server.

Have a look at some screenshots to see what's possible.

Update Your PKC Repo to Receive Updates!

Unfortunately, the PKC Kodi repository had to move because it stopped working (thanks https://bintray.com). If you installed PKC before December 15, 2017, you need to MANUALLY update the repo once.


Download and Installation

Install PKC via the PlexKodiConnect Kodi repository download button just below (do NOT use the standard GitHub download!). See the github wiki installation manual for a detailed guide. Please use the stable version except if you really know what you're doing. Kodi will update PKC automatically.

Stable version Beta version
stable version beta version

What does PKC do?

PKC synchronizes your media from your Plex server to the native Kodi database. Hence:

  • Use virtually any other Kodi add-on
  • Use any Kodi skin, completely customize Kodi's look
  • Browse your media at full speed (cached artwork)
  • Automatically get additional artwork (more than Plex offers)
  • Enjoy Plex features using the Kodi interface


Use at your own risk! This plugin assumes that you manage all your videos with Plex (and none with Kodi). You might lose data already stored in the Kodi video and music databases as this plugin directly changes them. Don't worry if you want Plex to manage all your media (like you should ;-)).

Some people argue that PKC is 'hacky' because of the way it directly accesses the Kodi database. See here for a more thorough discussion.

PKC Features

Additional Artwork

PKC uses additional artwork for free from TheMovieDB. Many thanks for lettings us use the API, guys!
Logo of TheMovieDB


I'm not in any way affiliated with Plex. Thank you very much for a small donation via ko-fi.com and PayPal, Bitcoin or Ether if you appreciate PKC.
Full disclaimer: I will see your name and address if you use PayPal. Rest assured that I will not share this with anyone.


Ethereum address:

Bitcoin address:

Request a New Feature

Feature Requests

Issues and Bugs

Have a look at the Github Issues Page. Before you open your own issue, please read How to report a bug.


PlexConnect on synology


2018-03-12: The PlexConnect version included in this installer is an old one

See "Update for latest version in git" below for instructions on how to update. Alternatively you can download the latest stable installation package from https://github.com/iBaa/PlexConnect/releases

2017-04-05: 0.5-18 DSM 6.0 Support and PlexConnect synced up till https://github.com/iBaa/PlexConnect/commit/e6196df56c805c5a16a5b106972a239063467eb6

Synology installer package for PlexConnect.


  • Official Python from Synology (can co-exist with SynoCommunity Python)
    • to update a pre 0.3-12 spk leave synocommunity Python on the NAS but also install the Synology Python, after the update SynoCommunity Python can be removed if no other package is using it)

Installation Instructions:

  • on the NAS
    • Make sure your NAS has a fixed IP Address
    • Disable HTTPS connection for web services ('Web Services' control pannel - 'HTTP Service' tab)
    • Install PMS
    • for DSM 5.1 lower the 'Thrust Level' in the package manager settings to 'Any publisher'
    • Add http://www.brigittehelsen.be/plexconnect/ to your Synology NAS Package Center sources (*)
    • Install PlexConnect
      • Choose if the internal DNS needs to be enabled by PlexConnect
      • Choose the AppleTV app that needs to show Plex
    • Start the package if it was not yet started
  • On the AppleTV

(*) Add http://www.brigittehelsen.be/plexconnect/ to your Synology NAS Package Center sources and the PlexConnect package will appear in the list of packages. See 'Install third-party applications' on http://www.synology.com/en-us/support/tutorials/500 for more info. Enable 'beta' in the settings to receive beta versions!

Allow different apps based on code provided by Alexander A. Protasov.
Installing PMS on the NAS
First you need to check here if your NAS supports transcoding or not. If it does not support transcoding (which is often the case), you need to take the following actions:

  • Convert all your media to an ATV supported format (check here for supported video / audio / photo formats). There are several tools that can be used for that, such as iTunes (for music), or Handbrake / iFlicks / MkvToMp4 (for video)
  • Check /usr/local/plexconnect/share/PlexConnect/ATVSettings.cfg (or in the ATV, in PlexConnect settings menu) that
  • transcoderaction=DirectPlay
  • subtitlerenderer=iOS, PMS

Failure to do so will originate error messages (in the ATV) such as An error occurred loading this content (try again later).
The vast majority of the TV channels available as Plug-ins to PMS (standard and/or unsupported) require transcoding, and will not work when PMS is installed in a NAS that does not supports transcoding.
For up-to-date info about PMS on Synology:https://forums.plex.tv/forum/133-synology/
Trailers unavailable msg:
a few possible causes:

  • reboot the NAS 
  • You created your own certificates for the profile on the AppleTV but you did not place those on the NAS (see advanced part) All generated certificates are unique and whatever is on the AppleTV must match with what is on the NAS. 
  • Make sure Port 80, 81,443 and 53 are allowed by the Synology Firewall 
  • On a computer, set the DNS Server to the IP of the NAS
    surf to http://trailers.apple.com:80
    surf to  http://trailers.apple.com:81
    surf to  http://trailers.apple.com:443
    surf to  http://trailers.apple.com:444
    all of them should return the same error "Message: Not Serving Client'  

Advanced Part

Installing Custom Certificates

The installer creates unique certificates for chosen app. Certificates are unique ever time they are generated. You can not register your own generated certificates on the ATV and then use the generated certificates from the installer. AppleTV and every instance PlexConnect have to use the same certificates!

Follow these instruction to install your own certificates (this step is NOT needed now that the installer generates unique certificates):

  • Generate certificates as described here (Mac or Windows)
  • Move the generated certificates in /usr/local/plexconnect/etc/certificates on the NAS replacing the existing files
    this assumes certificates in your 'home' folder. This example uses the certificates for the 'Trailers' app. When you have chosen 'WSJ Live' the you need 'marketwatch' and not 'trailers' in the filename.
    • open terminal on mac (or use PuTTY on windows)
    • ssh root@<ip of nas>
    • chmod -R go+w /usr/local/plexconnect/etc/certificates
    • exit
    • scp ~/trailers.cer admin@<ip of nas>:/usr/local/plexconnect/etc/certificates/trailers.cer
    • scp ~/trailers.key admin@<ip of nas>:/usr/local/plexconnect/etc/certificates/trailers.key
    • scp ~/trailers.pem admin@<ip of nas>:/usr/local/plexconnect/etc/certificates/trailers.pem
    • make ssh connection to nas
    • chmod -R go-w /usr/local/plexconnect/etc/certificates
    • exit
  • Upload the profile based on your certificates to the AppleTV as described above

Note: upon updating the installation (installing a new version without removing the old) your certificates are restored and these steps do not have to be repeated!

Using the Synology DNS Server package to capture trailers.apple.com (instructions by http://forums.plexapp.com/index.php/user/136264-abmaonline/)

When you are already using the Synology DNS Server package, the PlexConnect DNS proxy will not work, since they both want to use the same port on your Synology.

If your not using the DNS Server, stopping and uninstalling it, is the easiest solution.
When you are using the DNS Server, adding trailers.apple.com and redirecting it to PlexConnect also solves the problem. Follow these steps to use this setup:

  • Connect to Synology DSM web interface
  • Open the DNS Server Settings from the DSM 'Start' button
  • Goto Zones and select Create > Master Zone
  • Enter this info and click OK:
    Domain Type: Forward Zone
    Domain name: trailers.apple.com
    Master DNS Server: *IP of your Synology*
  • Select the new trailers.apple.com row and click Edit > Resource record (or double click the row for the same effect)
  • Create > A Type
  • Enter this info and click OK:
    Name: *leave empty*
    TTL: *use default, probably 86400*
    IP address:*IP of your Synology*
  • Click Finish
  • Do the same steps [3-8] again but this time with "atv.plexconnect"
  • Goto Log and check if there are no errors

    The DNS should be working now, time to disable the PlexConnect DNS and get everything connected.
  • Stop PlexConnect from package center if it is running
  • Login as root on your Synology using SSH (password for root is the same for admin on webinterface)
  • If you did not disable the Internal DNS server then Edit /usr/local/plexconnect/share/PlexConnect/Settings.cfg and set enable_dnsserver = False
  • Start PlexConnect again

If your apple tv uses the Synonoly as its DNS Server everything should work now.

As a quick check try to access http://trailers.apple.com/ from your browser. It should show something about a 403: "Error code explanation: 403 = Request forbidden -- authorization will not help."

Most browsers use DNS caching, so it may take some time before you see the change if you accessed trailers before changing the dns server, testing with your apple tv works best.

Update for latest version in git

For those wanting to use the package and always have the latest version from git at the same time:

  • Make ssh connection with root privileges to NAS
  • Get git on your synology (using ipkg or spk; when using the spk package the git client can be found at /usr/local/git/bin/git, use this in step 6 and when pulling updates)
  • Stop PlexConnect on Synology from package manager in DSM
  • Navigate to package folder (if you can't find the 'share' folder, update to the latest package in the start post)
    cd /usr/local/plexconnect/share/
  • Move current files to backup location
    mv PlexConnect/ PlexConnect-org/
  • Clone PlexConnect repo
  • git clone https://github.com/iBaa/PlexConnect.git
  • Copy config files from original folder to new checkout
    cp PlexConnect-org/*.cfg PlexConnect/
  • Change owner rights
    chown -R plexconnect:root PlexConnect/
  • Start PlexConnect again from DSM (using command line kills the service when you logout)
  • Check if everything still works.

Now to update your code:

  • cd /usr/local/plexconnect/share/PlexConnect/
  • git pull

​Starting from installer 0.3-9 this will be remembered when installing an updated version
Check if any changes were made; if so: stop and start PlexConnect from DSM package manager to pick them up

Stuttering Subtitles on PS4 in 2018


Good Day All

I'm sure this has been dealt with before - numerous time - but for the life of me, I couldn't find a relevant or recent thread.

I wanted to know if there is still no solution for playing subtitled foreign films on Plex via PS4?

I know this is a PS4 issue (a wired PS4 streaming from a NAS stuttered while a wireless MacBook Pro as absolutely no issue with exactly the same file(s)), but even with versions of the files optimized for Plex I still have issues.

The only workaround I've found is to put the optimized file on a USB and play it directly on PS4 via Media Player.

Does anyone have any advice or links to another thread that might provide clarity?


Setting up a Smart DNS on MyCloud Home to use Plex Channels.


Hi Everyone,

First post here. I recently bought the MyCloud Home 8TB and this is my first time using Plex using its inbuilt server. But I have a slightly complicated setup and wondered if anyone can please help with a problem I have.

So, being in the UK, I am using NowTV (Which is part of Sky) for Broadband, the router they supply is just awful. I cannot change DNS settings for one, and the range is terrible, so I added an Airport Extreme (where I have Smart DNS) to the system which my MyCloud is plugged into. This worked fine on my home network, and I was able to watch the Plex Channels for the US, this was great until I wanted to listen to music on the Go.. I had a Port Forwarding problem which I found I had to do on my NowTV router rather than the Airport. Now thats fixed and I can access my Plex server on my phone via 3G, the Plex channels do not work anymore. My Smart DNS is on the Airport as the NowTV router has had the option change DNS that removed. I did think of trying to change the DNS on the MyCloud itself but cannot find an option to do so, I wondered if anyone else has had any similar problems and if there are any suggestions to fix it. I cannot take the NowTV router out of the equation as they have their network setup so you can only use their own equipment, does anyone know of a way to make the MyCloud work fully in this way? Would appreciate any help. Have been really impressed with Plex so far and will be adding a HD HomeRun and Plex Pass next. I just would like to try and sort this one out first.

Shield "Lost connection to Media Server ", unable to play certain files


Hi, Am using PMS version and have multiple shields and android player phones.

There are some files which CANNOT be played on Shield but can be played through the Android phones.

Any idea if its a new bug affecting the PMS/Shield. What logs should I show or settings should I change to make it work.

AppleTV 4K / HEVC playback


Plex is turning into a nightmare. I've been an avid user for years, but playing new H265 / HEVC content is getting on my nerves now for over a year and I am really not sure what I should do.

So I have a powerful machine for storing my library, but, I did not insert a very heavy image processing engine as it is a virtual ESXi machine that runs quite a couple of machines. H.264 content always plays fine, but even one(!) player playing low res H.265 content will put the servers CPU at 100% as it's transcoding.

So I bought AppleTV 4K. It supports HEVC right? Should just pick up the file and direct play through the Plex app right?

Wrong. Although the AppleTV is paired to the TV at 4K / 10 bit etc etc. Plex still thinks a 720p HEVC file with AAC encoding is too much to ask for the AppleTV so keeps transcoding the thing on the server. Even worse....when I put a 4K movie in the library.... it refuses to play at all because the processor is not nearly capable of transcoding 10bit 2160p on the fly.

What is wrong? We're asking for this for ages now....and the funny thing is, I installed infuse and it played straight away! No fiddling, no trouble...nothing. What's up Plex?

Even better.....Infuse has the subtiltle shift/sync option as well. Something simple that has been requested for years now on the AppleTV app. Infuse included it straight away.

I really would like to sell myself staying with Plex, but all these frustrating issues that never seem to get solved.... why?

Can you select “no subtitles” as default? (Fire TV)


Hi all :)

Is there a way to have the default behaviour, on Fire TV Stick, so that no subtitles are selected?

The current default seems to be to use the, external, subtitle file and I find I have to manually turn that off for most things I watch. I do sometimes use the subtitles, so I grab them when possible.

So, is there a way I’ve missed to set this as the default?

Thanks :)

Plex on Tivo only sending PCM


I have recently started using Plex. I have the Plex Server ( running on my ASUS NAS. I'm using the Plex client on my Tivo (Series 5 on software version 21.8.1.RC6).

I've used Handbrake to produce MVK files onto the NAS. They have AAC or AC3 5.1 audio tracks and when I display their information on the Plex client it reflects the 5.1 audio track.

However, when I play the movie through Plex and run the audio through my Onkyo receiver the Onkyo shows the audio track as PCM with 2 tracks.

Is there a reason that the Onkyo wouldn't receive a full 5.1 audio track? Thanks!

Plex Türkce Metadata


Plex Databasedeki Türkce Filmler ve Diziler otomatik olarak bulunamiyor.
Bunu nasil gerceklestirebilirim. Herhangi bir yolunu bulamadim..

NVidia Shield: SRT subtitles causing "burn subtitles" to activate when audio is also transcoded


Hi all,

I'd just written a lengthy post wondering why some media was transcoding instead of direct-streaming when there seemed to be no good reason why it should - when I realized that in my Tautulli logs it noted that the subtitles were being burned (despite being .srt subs, not an image format.)

"But that can't be," I thought to myself, "because some of my media direct plays just fine, and I always have subtitles enabled!" After some more digging through logs, I realized that this is only happening on media that has EAC3 audio streams, which incurs an audio transcode (since my sound bar is connected via optical audio, which doesn't support EAC3.) When it's AC3? Plays fine. DCA? Plays fine.

This seems like a bug! Are others experiencing the same? Can we expect a fix?

Thanks much!

LG TV Remote Volume down button is forwarding video playback by 30 seconds



Searched the forums but can't find a solution other than to remap keys my LG TV remote volume down button is skipping video forward 30 seconds and it is really frustrating. I need help to either re-map or find another way to change the behavior.

As per create-your-own-inputmap I was looking for the keymappings file to remap the specific button but I have had no luck finding the location i should save the file in. The plex app logs also do not list the remote control name or key presses either which is odd, unless i am looking in the wrong place (I enabled network logs, using browser to search them).

Any advice would really be appreciated.

Shield TV - Playback Stopping and Queuing Next Item


Over the past few days I have had a serious issue with the Plex app on my Shield TV. (

During playback of some TV shows it will stop after a period of time and acting like playback was complete. It exits to the post playback screen with a countdown to starting the next episode. The episode isn't marked watched and if I go back to it I am able to start from the point playback stopped.

This is only happening on the Shield Plex app. I am trying to collect more details but would like to know if others have seen something similar.

I was testing with "Always Sunny" today and the last two episodes I watched stopped at 14 minutes of the 22 minute episodes. They are direct play, I have audio pass through and refresh rate switching enabled.

Synced content gone in UI, still using storage..


The Android client have worked fine for a couple of months, but...yesterday suddenly all my synced music was gone (from the UI).

Checking Sync settings it says 22.5 GB in used and still have space for 30.1 GB (limit set to 52.6 GB), which all seems correct (ie. the music files still seem to be there).

Checking Sync it says 99% done and Sync complete, I am pretty sure it as been 100% before.
When I restart the sync it seems to sync for some seconds (+10s), then stops (still at 99% done).

I have restarted, rebooted...still nothing. I am on latest everything for plex, including the Android beta.

Optimal configuration Info/Subtitles/Posters


Hello everyone,

I have been using Plex for a while now with very good results, I have my media server running on Ubuntu 18.04, and my players are rasplex and android with chromecast.
I have two external disks:
Samsung 500 gb 100% movies.
Toshiba 1TB 25% movies 25% series 50% empty.

I used subtitles for both Opensubtitles and Subzero, with different results, for example at the beginning I could not get the subtitles for the series, with the movies I got the subtitles in Spanish which is what I want, now the series sometimes do not have subtitles or they come in English.
The information of the films is in Spanish which is correct but the posters also and I prefer that they be kept in the original language.

**What I need is to get an optimal configuration and that is set as follows:

Films and Series subtitles in Spanish.
Films and Series All the information in Spanish.
Movies and series Poster in English or in the language of origin.
I've tried several configurations so much that now I'm not sure which one is going to work correctly and I'm afraid it will not work correctly ... it happened to the point that I could not see the subtitles. :'(

Maybe it's a silly problem but I would appreciate a help.
Thank you very much :) :)

Plex app for Panasonic Smart Viera

I plan to get a Panasonic Plasma TV set (55VT30 ) and i wonder if some Plex app is in the work for the Panasonic Smart Viera Connect platform...
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