Hi Team, For the past few weeks I've been seeing "Unclaimed Server" which I've never seen before, when I logon to claim the server my Beyonwiz clients are no longer able to see my library content, when I log out the clients are fine and able to see the content. Also, the cover art has stopped updating for all new content I add.
When I launch the PMS browser I am now also asked to login which I never use too. When I login to PMS and launch the browser and the server is claimed I can see all my content with the update cover art and everything appears to work as it once did.
I'm currently running FreeNAS 9.10.1-US (f045a8b) and Plex version
I suspect you will require to view my log files, as I am not a Linux user could you please send me some basic instructions on how to do this.
Appreciate your help.