I'd like to stick with Plex as my media server but this missing feature is a deal breaker. Every time I come back to it this is the first feature I look for & every time I'm disappointed. Before the Plex defenders jump in with suggestions like, "why don't you just setup categories?" Well.... Because I don't want to. I don't need a catagory for every little thing, nor do I want to drill through a menagerie of filters to get to my destination. Let me assure you that I'm well aware of the other sorting/discovery methods. If SEARCHING TAGS is possible and I'm just a dipshit who can't figure it out, please point me in the right direction. :) There must be a reason Plex gives us the option to add custom tags right? I assumed the option existed to make things easier to find but what do I know. I'd like a plex developer to explain why this feature is missing or how its possible that after nearly 10 years in development this issue hasn't been taken care of.