I've recently setup a fairly high performance HTPC. It's running PMS and the PLEX App for Win10. The system has a mapped drive to my Synology with the media content on. I've tested the network throughput by copying a large file at @ 114M bytes/s, which seems correct for a 1GBps LAN? VLC plays a native .MKV copy of a Blu-ray with DTS 5.1 without a glitch. When I play a decent quality (higher bit rate movie) using the PLEX app it seems to be suffering with network bandwidth issues. The Win10 App reports only 11Mbps up/down performance (which can't be correct)? I've tried also playing the same movie using the web player on PMS with similar problems. PLEX is setup to play original sound & video versions which should work fine with this connectivity?
How to do I resolve/diagnose this issue?