If I don't manually close the iOS app after I'm done watching something it will start to play at about 3am while the device is closed and locked! Picture it. You wake up at 3am because your ipad started playing an episode of something; loudly. You flip the cover open. You unlock the iPad with your finger print. Are you now staring at the Plex app? No! You are not. You're looking at a page full of apps. You hear Plex but can not see it and have to either go to running apps to open Plex or tap the Plex icon to open Plex. How, how, how, how how does this happen to me? I was watching something earlier that day with my son. I paused it. I shut off the iPad. I closed the iPad. Usually I manually end the Plex app because I know what will happen at 3am if I don't do it. I forgot. It feels unreal to me that my locked and closed iPad can simply start to play something on it's own. That I have to open, unlock, and then navigate to the app to tell it to stop. Please! Please, can someone help me? Please?