I have opht 1.6.2 (and before that every release from plex i can think of) installed now. I have plex on my intel NUC 5'th generation and a HDMI kable to my Sony 2015 model. The TV does not support any 5.1 and I have to set the TV in night mode to get the center volume to normalize (hear the talking).
I can see in the opht (and I've tried this a million times with previous opht and plex official) the audio output settings. No matter what I put in there, the movie/series with 5.1 sound will have their center sound lowered because the TV can't handle 5.1.
Why can't I get plex to downsample properly to 2.0 only and have normal volume on my tv? What am I doing wrong here?
I have truggeled with this for years and perhaps I don't see the solution that is right before me, but please if someone could help me :)