I'm planning to implement a multiroom streaming setup in my appartment, main part should be a desktop computer running the plex media server for distributing video and audio content. The general setup can be seen here (all the red parts I'm still unsure of):
Apart from doing video/audio locally at the desktop (whcih is trivial) there are two basic scenarios:
1] Stream video to Room 3
(video includes local files (incl. srt subtitles) as well as netflix, youtube)
2] Stream audio to room 1, room 3, and room 4
(audio includes local files (mp3 / flac) as well as spotify)
Playback of video and audio as well as switiching between rooms is ideally done by an Android mobile device (using the Plex mobile app).
However, I am still unsure on how to connect all devices (I have marked all the unknown parts in the diagram in red). The "receiver" in room 3 could either be connected by WiFi or ethernet, although I guess eithernet is preferable due to the higher bandwidth). Ideally there shouldn't be transcoding during the video transmission which as far as I know excludes Chromecast since most my videos will be played with srt subtitles). I thought about a rasberry pi using rasplex as receiver in room 3, but I am unsure if that would be the ideal solution.
I would appreciate a little help in selecting some approproate hardeware, i.e.,
1] a receiver that allows the reception of video data and outputs it as hdmi
2] loudspeakers (or loudspeaker connectors) that allow for an audio reception via Wifi
all controlled by an Android mobile device.
I am looking forward to your comments and an interesting discussion.