Had to update a few systems so decided to write a script, while i was at it, tried to make it future proof.
It will generate a loader script that you must use to run OpenPHT.
It should not conflict with existing ffmpeg installs or plex installs but see options.
Updated a few systems on 16.04 and 14.04 already.
Use at own risk, no support provided.
To use, in terminal:
wget https://anythingtech.com.au/public/openpht-install
chmod +x openpht-install
Default options are:
Based on vdimitrov's guide https://forums.plex.tv/discussion/comment/1196558/#Comment_1196558
Any weird behaviour is probably caused by the old plex home theater for linux.
in terminal run
mv .plexht/ .plexht.bak/
mv .kodi/ .kodi.bak/
Reconfigure plex. Tearing is probably caused by the wrong Dirty region setting, try 3 (default 1). http://kodi.wiki/view/HOW-TO:Modify_dirty_regions