I had Plex Media Server 0.9.15.X installed in my Odroid XU-4 server (Ubuntu 15.10) and it worked fine, following the installation instruction all was fine.
I decided to update to Plex Media Server to So I stopped the server, followed the instructions to create the deb package and install it with dkpg -i (correct me if I am right, dpkg should automatically take out the old version and put the new version). Everything seemed fine until I tried to start the server. The server didn't start, but no error through screen or in log files.
So I erased all plexmedia server files (with dpkg --purge and then manually delete any left file) and installed again. Same problem.
I erase again the server, install the previous version. Same problem.
I erase again the server. Install new version. Same problem :-S
At this moment I decided to check all start process. Find the startup scripts and found the following problems:
At line 20, there is the following line:
test -f "/usr/lib/plexmediaserver/start.sh" || exit 0
But there is no "/usr/lib/plexmediaserver/start.sh" script nowhere. It is not given with the plexmediaserver installation files nor is created in the installation scripts. Removing this line or creating an empty file fixes the initialization.
There are some more bugs which are not critical:
Line 27
The variable PLEX_MAX_STACK_SIZE is not defined anywhere (not even in /etc/default/plexmediaserver), so this line showing the stack limit, not changing its size. The correct line should be:
In Line 13, the following variable is given ( by default commented):
In this case the backslash is not necessary, due to it will make that the folder's name will contain the backslash (it happened to me). Thence, the default value should be:
The only thing I cannot understand is why I didn't had this problem when I installed Plex Media Server the first time. The only difference from the first time and this one is that I updated all the packages (except Chrome) of this version of Ubuntu.