This is a follow on post from https://forums.plex.tv/discussion/241765/plex-and-tv-episode-metadata-failure#latest
In that topic I described the problem I was facing with some series not getting scrapped properly / at all.
After having renamed all my files using the {plex} format in filebot I thought the problem had been resolved... I was wrong.
Some series/episodes kept not getting recognised correctly.
As a last ditch attempt I decided to uninstall everything, get rid of all the data directories (moved to a different location) and start a fresh install and server set-up using the last version (before I had been running v1.0.1 as it seemed to be the version scraping the most episode with v1.2.7 scraping almost nothing).
The Good News
The fresh installation of v1.2.7 seems to be scraping everything correctly even those episodes that I had lost all hope for
The Problem
Every 6-8 hours the computer now automatically shuts down (I am assuming due to over heating - need to properly check HInfo logs).
This is a PC that has nothing installed except for Windows 10, Plex and Crashplan (disabled since the first unexpected shut down). The shut downs have been happening regularly since the fresh install over the last couple of days. This is not during playback of a video file but just while Plex is simply doing its own things (i.e. scanning the media files and downloading the metadata).
As soon as Plex start CPU usage jumps to 99% and stays at that level pretty constant (I have even disabled Microsoft Defender in case that was the problem) running between 3 to 5 python processes.
This did not occur at all in my previous installation (the first version installed on the PC was 0.9.6).
Any ideas?