I have seen that certain media is unable to be played on my Android TV. The same exact media plays fine on my Android phone while connected on the same network as the TV that failed. Can anyone help?
I used mediainfo to inspect some of the files that don't work and compare them to the ones that do. The video is the same exact type of stream. The only difference I see is in the number of channels of audio. Let me know if there are any other specifics I can post to help troubleshoot.
I attached 3 log files for now. One is from attempting to play the episode and it doesn't work (TV-failed). The next is playing a different episode in the same season, which succeeds to play without issue (TV-succeeds). And the last is from playing the same episode that failed on the TV, on my phone (Phone-succeeds). The image I attached is the on screen error I get when the TV fails to play the episode. The error message seems not helpful as I am able to play other media, and it seems to be specific to certain files, and those same files play just fine on my phone over the same network connection.
"Error: Playback has stopped because the connection to the Plex Media Server has been lost. Please ensure the server is available and retry."