Plex Media Server:
Windows 10
After a major renaming effort to get around erroneous poster matches, I now am running into an issue where the two separate series of Doctor Who (the classic series 1963 and the reboot from 2005) are seen as one and the same series and all episodes of respective overlapping seasons are dumped together as belonging to one series.
Folder names used in this attempt are respectively
Doctor Who
Doctor Who (1963)
Doctor Who (2005)
Episodes follow these naming patterns
Doctor Who - SxxExx - Episode Title [Extra Info].ext for the classic series
Doctor Who (2005) - SxxExx} - Episode Title [Extra Info].ext for the 2005 series
Season folders exists in each of the two top folders.
I totally cleaned out the Series library. Emptied trash, cleaned bundles and when everything was done I switched on debug logging, added the two folders as named above, and as additional test I placed season 1 of the classic 1963 series in yet another top folder named just Doctor Who
All three top folders ended up as a single series entry in my library...
Logs made during this attempt are attached