Shortly after it debuted I bought the aTV4 with the news that the plexapp was also available and went through the paces of getting the plexapp working. The conclusion then was it was far from 'ready for prime time' so it got put on the shelf for a hopeful future and we went back to the aTV3 w/Plexconnect.
Fast forward a year. Decided to boot the aTV4 yesterday and get things updated to see what improvements have been made. While definitely better, from a perspective that has to be mindful of other users in the house (wife & children) I can't say plexapp's UI has improved much, if at all. You are still presented with no ability to set which view is default for ex) in Movies making it one of the more useful ones like folders or collections. After having to scroll over to them (argh!) you are presented with merely lists vs thumbs like how folders are presented in PMS or via Plexconnect for that matter. The UI simply has not improved from it's initial offering, yet I'm still paying for plexpass. Tell me again why I should keep doing this?