I'm running plex server Version on Ubuntu, and, whenever I try to access the Showcase channel from a browser, I get a
Cannot load m3u8: 404 not found
error. I've only tried opening the channel using the web player. Based on earlier forum posts, it seems like some effort has been spent the keep this channel running, so, it would be a shame to see this error persist.
I just noticed this in my logs:
Nov 13, 2016 15:00:06.067 [0x7f521e3ff700] WARN - MDE: hasMDE was specified along with directPlay without specifying a valid media and part index.
I tried disabling directPlay and it resulted in a:
Conversion failed. The transcoder crashed or failed to start up
error. With these interesting lines in the log file:
Nov 15, 2016 21:01:18.603 [0x7f52227ff700] ERROR - [Transcoder] Server returned 401 Unauthorized (authorization failed)
Nov 15, 2016 21:01:18.604 [0x7f5223bf7700] ERROR - Failed to start session successfully.
Other channels appear to work, and, nothing else in the logs strikes me as suspicious. Plex is still new to me, so, I apologise if I'm missing something obvious. Please let me know if there is any more information I can provide.