I have a TV shows library set up on a Windows Plex Media server (v and everything was working fine
I added a new season with 8 episodes for one of the shows
I notice the episode file names were not quite right so I renamed them (a couple of times) using the Windows desktop file explorer while the media server was running
The media serve is set up to automatically update when library changes are made
When trying to view the new episodes in the Plex Media Player, a small blue "2" was displayed next to the new episodes and the episodes were "Unavailable"
In looking at this further, the server still had the original file names (which no longer existed) in the database as as well as the new episode file names. The episodes were however shown as being "Unavailable".
I "Updated" and "Refreshed" the library on the server several times but there was no change, the episodes were still "unavailable" and both file names remained in the database.
I ultimately "Deleted" the library and "Added" it again which refreshed the database and fixed the problem
However, this took a long time to download all the meta data again for all the shows and also reset the "viewed" flag for all the episodes that we've already watched - sigh...
Is there an easier way to avoid this or fix it if it happens again? It seems to have been caused when the name of a library .mkv file was changed several times while the server was running and the Plex Server did't remove the old file name from the database when the library was updated. Instead file was flagged as being "Unavailable" even after the library "Updated".