Hey everybody,
I set up a PMS on my Synology DS415+ and created 3 libraries: one for movies, one for tv series (all of them) and one for a seperate folder I namen "unseen" where I but all the tv series as copies, that I haven't watched yet (yeah I know I could also just mark everything I already saw as "wachted" but i am also using a Kodi client so this is the best solution for my setup).
When I now connect to my server with the web interface on a computer or the PS4 app, I can see all 3 libraries - fine.
But on the rasplex it does not seem to show the separate libraries, but only 2 "categories" ("movies" and "tv series") so I don't seem to have any option to see my "unseen" folder/library on the rasplex.
Any suggestions on how to solve this?
Thanks a lot in advance