Hi everyone,
i've a plex running on my server (Ubuntu 14.04).
Plex is currently located on /var/lib/plexmediaserver/Library/Application Support.
Due to storage issue, I would like to change his location to a different one : /home/desktop/Documents/Seedbox/PlexMediaServer/...
for that, I've tried to
- move the current folder to my new repository with the appropriate user access (change to plex:plex with chown command)
- change the service config file value "PLEX_MEDIA_SERVER_APPLICATION_SUPPORT_DIR" in :
and /etc/systemd/system/plexmediaserver.service
despite the fact I've restarted the service, it still doesn't work (service seems to fail).
in addition, once I move back the folder in its original position without changing the service config files. It is working again.
What did I miss to confirm the new location of my plex home ?
thanks all for your help.