hi - I'm using a windows 10 desktop computer as my server that is LAN connected. My 3 TV's in the house have Roku Plex app - Everything is working great and have used filebot to name everything and having used Plex for weeks now, I love it but I wanted to ask about something that happened yesterday:
Occasionally, when watching a TV show episode, I will notice something about the file that I want to change. I will rip the episode from DVD again and re-encode it, name it the exact same, replace the file in the folder, but I usually have to do the plex dance, removing the folder from TV shows, clean trash, bundles , add the folder back, plex collects metadata and then everything works.......But with a particular TV show yesterday, when I did this (I removed the Mama's Family) tv show folder completely from the add folder section of TV shows in Plex, but the show remained - I even went to roku and all files/metadata are still there, and the show still plays on every episode as if it's still pointing to the drive , but it's not....I'm not sure how this is possible and I have never seen this behavior until now. I even replaced the episode and put it back in the folder on the drive, and plex recognized the change instantly - so that show continues to play perfectly fine when it shouldn't even be there? (confused) - Normally if I want to remove a TV show folder - I simply open the TV show library, delete the tv show, scan, plex notices and deletes it almost immediately - thenI clean trash/bundles and it's totally gone - Not this time.
As far as folder structure on my 3 TB drive - I have 4 folders One for movies, One for TV Shows, One for Music, and One for Misc. In the TV shows folder, it's structured so that when you open the main TV shows folder, you then see a list of all tv shows, when you open a particular tv show folder, you see all episodes listed (not separated folders by seasons) I realized that each season should have it's own folder AFTER the fact, but since this has always worked flawlessly, I have left it alone so I wouldn't have to do everything ALL over again. When I add a tv show to plex, I originally added them individually, not the entire TV show folder at once.
I also wanted to ask what to do if your internet goes out and you still want to watch plex? Thanks