A friend was attempting to do a sync to their Win 10 laptop and it gave us all kinds of issues, which prompted me to try it on my own PC. So, PC connects to server, choose a movie to sync and the progress circle goes to about 50% and just hangs. Several minutes later, Plex finally throws up a notification saying that media is ready to be synced. There are no status indicators in the GUI of what's going on during this dead time and this was the point where my friend was hitting Sync Now and generally trying to get any kind of response from the software. Regardless, after the Windows Notification message, I hit Sync Now and it transferred the media to my client, the circle turns green with 100% and an orange "A server error occurred during sync message." The movie plays fine and everything is actually good, but very misleading to my tech-phobic friend. Additionally, the status displayed during the sync process and what is really occurring seems to be clunky. A "Please Wait" would even be an improvement over nothing happening. I've got a copy of the client log if needed, just can't see where to attach it.