So, it has finally happened. My beloved Mac mini 2012 is no more. It has ceased to exist. It has gone one power outage too far. The motherboard is fried and Plex server runs on my macbook now, which is less then optimal, but I get by.
So I thought let's get back to my roots again and build a PC. But because I completely made the switch to Mac in 2011, I haven't seen the better parts of a PC, and a lot has changed since then. Linux and hardware and compatibility has changed drastically. To be honest, it is a lot of new information to take in, but kinda fun.
My RAM and my SSD survived the electrocution. So I thought, let's build around that. I need minimum specs, because all it needs to do is run Plex Media Server, Sickbeard, SABNZBD+, stream 1080p 5.1, download, extract files and have USB 3.0 capabilities.
My initial thought is the ASRock J3160-ITX. It has an Intel Celeron Processor J3160 (2M Cache, up to 2.24 GHz) and an Intel HD Graphics 400 build on the motherboard. Also, It's relatively cheap here in Holland, which is nice. I'm also thinking about making a custom case for it. Then comes the power supply. The picoPSU-80, 80w output, 12v input DC-DC Power Supply.
Well, thats step one, I guess.
Is the hardware fast enough for what I'd like to do with it? Have I forgotten anything? Does anyone have any idea's, any input for my future endeavor?
I'm starting from scratch here so any input is welcome.