ATV model 3, firmware version 6.1.1
The DNS server set on the ATV:
The local IP address of the device that PlexConnect is installed on:
The device and operating system (including version number) that PlexConnect is installed on: Macbook Pro OSX Version 10.9.3
The device and operating system (including version number) that the Plex media server (PMS) is installed on: Macbook Pro OSX Version 10.9.3
The Plex media server (PMS) version number you are running (do not put 'latest'):
Version -
The local IP address of the device that the Plex media server (PMS) is installed on:
The PlexConnect version number. If using Github source then a time and date of download: June 5, 2014 at 11:47 AM
The contents of your 'Settings.cfg' file:
18:41:58 PlexConnect: ***
18:41:58 PlexConnect: PlexConnect
18:41:58 PlexConnect: Press CTRL-C to shut down.
18:41:58 PlexConnect: ***
18:41:58 PlexConnect: started: 18:41:58
18:41:58 PlexConnect: Version: 0.3.1+
18:41:58 PlexConnect: Python: 2.7.6 (v2.7.6:3a1db0d2747e, Nov 10 2013, 00:42:54)
[GCC 4.2.1 (Apple Inc. build 5666) (dot 3)]
18:41:58 PlexConnect: Host OS: darwin
18:41:58 PlexConnect: IP_self:
18:41:58 DNSServer: started: 18:41:58
18:41:58 DNSServer: Failed to create socket on UDP port 53: [Errno 48] Address already in use
18:41:58 PlexConnect: DNSServer not alive. Shutting down.
18:41:58 PlexConnect: Shutting down.
18:41:58 PlexConnect: shutdown
18:41:58 PlexConnect: shutdown
I am not running another server and port 53 doesn't show as being used when I check the Activity Monitor.
Any help would be appreciated as this is my last attempt to fix it without restoring my Macbook.