Hi I hope someone can help - I'm not sure I am even asking this question in the right place and I am totally un-techy so please be gentle.
I have a media ripper made by DBM servers which is basically a NAS that uses Vortexbox to rip everything. I access this via my Mac. It appears to be running Linux -
VortexBox SW Version: 2.3
Linux OS Version: Fedora release 20 (Heisenbug)
My PMS is out of date and needs an update. It won't update automatically through the front end of Plex but when I access PMS via the NAS I can download the update which downloads top my Mac and opens as a Realplayer file. Clicking this opens Realplayer which then does nothing because it says it needs application x-RPM or similar.
I do understand that the file downloaded is now on my Mac and PMS is on the NAS but I have got no idea what to do next. Should I somehow be trying to download the update via the NAS.
If anyone could help a complete computer numpty with a walk through of what to do it would be really appreciated.
Thanks in anticipation