Just wondering what is forcing others to have two devices setup for their home? I was strongly looking at switching to a Roku Ultra and then remembered that it doesn't support HDHomeRun View, or a way to view cable in a nice fashion (has to be kid and wife proof and Plex Channels aren't that).
My viewing experience is currently on an Apple TV. I subscribe to Amazon Video (through Prime) but never use it because I moved my only device that supports Amazon Video (Xbox One) off the main TV. Also, the Apple TV TRANSCODES EVERYTHING haha.
Are their any devices out their that:
Play Plex (mkv, h.264, h.265, DTS support)
Play Amazon Video (4K HDR Support would be nice at this point)
Play YouTube
Play Netflix (not for me but I am sure this is beyond common)
Play Hulu (same as Netflix)
Google Play Would be Cool
Why can everyone just get freakin' along?????