Hello all,
This is my first post however I have been using PLEX for a number of years now.
Recently I received an email from PLEX telling me about the beta for PLEX cloud. Because of this I registered my interest with PLEX and bought myself an unlimited Amazon Cloud account.
I have been uploading my movie collection (several terabytes) over the last few days, however I have read a lot of articles regarding Amazon scanning files and the possible consequences if they deem a file is pirated (of which none of mine are). However I still don't want to take the chance of any files being accidentally flagged by Amazon and the headache that could come with that.
My question is, am I able to encrypt my files, store them on Amazon Cloud and stream them via PLEX? Failing that, am I able to "batch" change the checksum/hashtag/md5 etc of each of my files to make sure that Amazon leaves me alone?
If the answer is no, and I have to "take a chance" with Amazon then I will be deleting my Amazon account.
Thank you in advance.