I have a remote Roku 3 client that hasn't been playing video from the remote server at all lately - perhaps weeks or months. However, months ago, it used to work fine. I saw that my server was out of date on 0.9.6... or something like that and just updated to the latest, but that doesn't seem to help.
Playing from PMP on OS X from the same remote location seems works fine, but when I play from the Roku, playback stops within 1-2 minutes and constantly restarts and keeps buffering until I get the error: Unknown Network Error: Playback has stopped due to multiple playback errors.
About an hour ago, I enabled remote logging for a session and then tried restarting the Roku to see if that would help. I also collected some logs locally (attached).
I keep seeing stuff like this:
8/31/2016 04:57:36 WARN http error: roAssociativeArray
Status: unknownerror
LogType: http.error
TargetIp: XX.XXX.86.97
HttpCode: 200
Datetime: roDateTime
OrigUrl: https://XX-XXX-86-97.499a8db81d394919b17f41b92fac516c.plex.direct:32400/video/:/transcode/universal/session/Plex4124C4061877/base/00555.ts?X-Plex-Token=XXXXXXXXXXXX&protocol=hls&path=%2Flibrary%2Fmetadata%2F76237&session=Plex4124C4061877&directStream=1&directPlay=0&videoQuality=100&videoResolution=1280x720&maxVideoBitrate=4000&mediaIndex=0&partIndex=0&X-Plex-Client-Profile-Extra=add-limitation%28scope%3DvideoCodec%26scopeName%3Dh264%26type%3DupperBound%26name%3Dvideo.level%26value%3D41%29
Url: https://XX-XXX-86-97.499a8db81d394919b17f41b92fac516c.plex.direct:32400/video/:/transcode/universal/session/Plex4124C4061877/base/00555.ts?X-Plex-Token=XXXXXXXXXXXX&protocol=hls&path=%2Flibrary%2Fmetadata%2F76237&session=Plex4124C4061877&directStream=1&directPlay=0&videoQuality=100&videoResolution=1280x720&maxVideoBitrate=4000&mediaIndex=0&partIndex=0&X-Plex-Client-Profile-Extra=add-limitation%28scope%3DvideoCodec%26scopeName%3Dh264%26type%3DupperBound%26name%3Dvideo.level%26value%3D41%29
Method: GET
8/31/2016 04:57:36 WARN roVideoPlayer::isRequestFailed - message = An unexpected problem (but not server timeout or HTTP error) has been detected.
8/31/2016 04:57:36 WARN roVideoPlayer::isRequestFailed - data = -1
8/31/2016 04:57:36 WARN roVideoPlayer::isRequestFailed - index = -3
8/31/2016 04:57:36 WARN roVideoPlayer::isRequestFailed - totalFailures = 2
8/31/2016 04:57:36 WARN Attempting to restart video playback after failure