I've been a happy user of Plex for some time, purchased the ipad app to stream to that device. I've been frustrated over and over as to what I consider the over tagging/categorizing of my content.
Often, I will add TV shows or movies with non traditional, or standard, names to my library. I am then dismayed when Plex does not recognize the movie, tries to categorize it in an unusual location or folder, or outright fails to correctly the tag the content.
My ask would be to have an option that just displays ALL my content in a folder/file structure matching my source files on my server PC.
Much of my content I don't care if it has the correct cover image, description, etc.. I would like to see a list of all files even when it is 'ugly', e.g. 'ParksRec_2015_h264_rlsLog_other-etc.mp4'