I couldn't understand the way the official (or even third party) scanner worked [with statements like "elif len(paths) > 0 and len(paths[0]) > 0" that made me unable to follow loops accurately] and i was having Scanner induced issues with my Http AniDB Metadata Agent:
. year in series not passed to the metadata agent
. series with semicolon (steins;gate) troncated before the semicolon
. subfolders or series grouped in parent folder not being handled
. roman episode numbers not processed
. no management for multiple series episodes in one folder
. no log files like a metadata agent have
. no skipped files list
Therefore the only option left was to write one scanner following in the lines of BABS with a source code i could read.
You can find it here: https://github.com/ZeroQI/Absolute-Series-Scanner/blob/master/Series/Absolute Series Scanner.py
The scanner works brilliantly for me (implemented all points above), including the log generation.
i needed to have all writing rights on folders " /homes/plex " for users group on my Synology box (XPEnology)
However i need some assistance if possible to test the log functionality, potential bugfixes, and feedback
Can you tell me your OS version, and the path to the logs and any manipulations that were needed to enable write access? Could you also attach both:
. "Plex Media Scanner Custom.log"
. "Plex Media Scanner Custom - Skipped files.log"
Anybody knows if a scanner can be included in the unsupported appstore? if so, what format/naming does the repository need to have ?