After completing Win10 updates I checked for Plex Media Server updates. It found an update, but in the process of installing it my computer locked up and had to be rebooted. The plex server web interface wouldn't load and was just giving a 404 error, so I tried installing Plex-Media-Server- manually. It said it was successful, but trying to load the server page just resulted in the same 404 error.
When I have the installer perform an uninstall all of the files in "C:\Program Files (x86)\Plex\Plex Media Server" remained. Reinstalling didn't fix the problem. In desperation I tried performing the manual uninstall steps, though I just renamed the folders and registry entries so that I could restore them, if necessary.
When I run the installer it seems to run properly and says it was installed, but the launch button does nothing and it didn't copy any new files to the "C:\Program Files (x86)\Plex\Plex Media Server". It's as if the installer isn't actually installing anything.
I can place the old plex media server directory back as well as restore the old registry entry and the server will run, but running the installer won't actually replace any of those files. Any help would be appreciated.