Apologies if I missed a posting on this already, but I'm having an issue with 3.0.51 where the play / pause / forward / back media controls on the keyboard are not controlling Plex's playback. The mini 'whats playing' window will pop up but the currently playing song will not pause and I can't skip to the next one or navigate back to the previous one. The only way I can control it is to bring up plex and hit pause / select a new song / etc. I've also noticed that when it finishes playing a song it will being playing the next song, but the UI will still indicate that it's playing the previous song - it's stuck (see below).
This behavior seems to be triggered by having Plex minimized more than a few seconds. If I close Plex, restart it, everything behaves normally. If it minimize it, everything behaves normally for a few seconds, and then the issues begin.
Anyone else seeing this / have a fix?