My PMS is running on Windows 7x64
I started getting this error Yesterday 4.30.2018 on my Phone while using plex for some videos but not all. Took me about 30 minutes to figure this out.
Thought = what's changed in the last few days?
Answer = Auto Update of PMS to on 04.27.2018.
Solution = Rollback PMS → Clear Cache of Apps = Good to go!
What I did to trouble shoot:
- Checked that files are complete with no issues scrubbing through source files
- Checked I had latest update
- tested files I was able to play without issue last week (same error)
- Tried updating apps on both tablet & phone (same error)
- Searched forums & did the whole [stop server → delete 4 *.gdb files → restart server = (same error)
- Cleared cache & data (same error)
What worked for me: emphasis on the "for me" part
- Go into server setting disable auto update & set to manual/ask
- Uninstall [ PMS April 27, 2018 ] (Leave settings and files)
- Download & Install last release that seemed to work [ Plex-Media-Server- ]
- All working fine again including newly added files that initially threw the error and all old files that previously worked are now working again.
Hope this help you guys!