I'm in the process of moving...and am setting my plex server/clients up again after having been down for a few weeks. Whole new network (new routers, new MOCA network, etc). On the two Roku's that I have set up so far, I'm getting a "Server cannot be found" error about 25% of the time on startup. Both are wireless right now, and at least one of them will have to stay that way. Both have non-secure connections allowed on local network. Both have the local server's IP input as a manual connection. Once the server has been "found" after manually hitting the "servers" tab...everything seems to work fine, so it doesn't seem to be a connectivity problem.
Win10 Server is on
Both Rokus are on 4.1.18
Before I start swapping out network components...does anyone see anything in the logs that might point me in the right direction?