I have an LG TV with Plex (Plex for LG (webOS 3.10.19-32.afro.5) and the Plex server running on iMac (Retina 5K, 27-inch, Mid 2015), 3.3 GHz Intel Core i5, 8GB Ram. Media connected via external USB HD. Connected on 5GHz wireless and have tested on two different types of router.
I am getting a persistent pause when playing media to on the TV. Media pauses and 3 dots appear, plays for a while and does it again. There is no pattern to it, not stoping at same place in the media, not every x secs, just random. Sometimes the pauses can be just a split second or so sometimes it stops completely.
I have tried all the settings in the App for direct play, direct steam etc on and off in varying combinations but still happens. All media play fine on iMac, Macbook, Apple TV 4 (remote location), iOS (yes everything Apple), so I can't see it being the media, plus I have varying media types and seems to happen on all.
Also this happens on the Xbox App as well.
I have the logs whilst verbose logging turned on but have no idea what to look for. I also have PlexPY installed. I have checked one thing from an article about checking if the server can transcode fast enough and mine does so at a complete loss here.
Any help much appreciated as my 2 boys are getting really cheesed off with it and want a DVD player!!!!